Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Virus Berbasis Pendekatan Pembelajaran Kontekstual dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA

Oleh: Nanik Purwati

In the classroom of contextual teaching and learning, the students connect the lesson into their real life. They do not only get the information, but also learn to use thinking skills in the higher level. This research aimed to determine the properness of learning materials that have been developed and to improve students learning achievement after using the Virus learning materials based on the contextual teaching and learning. This research used the development of  four-D model, but it is restricted in the third stage (definition, design and development). This research used 6 validators to assess the validity of the book, and 30 students from 3 different schools in preliminary field testing stage 1, and 38 students in preliminary stage 2. The obtained data from this research were validation data from the experts, the test data legibility and level of difficulty, learning achievement data and student responses. The results of this research showed that the developed learning materials is included in the category of very propes with the value of 83,39%, and indicated that the learning material improved the average of student cognitive achievement until 34,34; 5,43 in affective achievement; and 8,11 in psychomotor achievement. It can be conclude that the learning material of virus based on contextual teaching and learning can be used in real class and it can improved the students learning achievement.

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